Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Beer Review: Fiasco Brewing - Lurqs IPA

My Brew Mates corey and Jason, have released a commercial Beer. Congrats guys, I got given a bottle to try out (I've also had it on tap.)
So Here is my review of the beer, as I see it.
STYLE: West Coast American IPA
BREWING CO.: Fiasco - New Zealand
AROMA: HOPS, HOPS, HOPS. Maybe some more hops, just for good measure. Its big and bold, and I do get some Malty sweetness, coming through which is a nice touch.
APPEARANCE: Pours copper colour, with Off white head, Clarity, is very good. I love the colour of this beer, perfect for the style.
FLAVOUR: This beer smashes you with hoips. Carbonation is Bang on, it really makes those hops ping out of the glass. Small amount of Malt, just enough to back up the big flavour hops.
MOUTHFEEL: good head and retention seems good and rocky. Not thin, not thick of Cloying like some beers. About right really.

OVERALL: Great beer, just as the style intends, bitter resin, hoppy and unapologetic, as the bopttle suggests. I'd also like to point out, that it gives me a hinted flavour of the green flash west coat IPa, mainly the hop flavour. this will be the simcoe hops. AWESOME.

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