Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Manawabrew WCIPA

Well, I thought I'd Post some notes from the brew he sent me. He sent me the recipe as well, which was interesting to note, so I could try and pick out the individual flavours.
Drank it on Sunday aftergetting back from a weekend away.

APPEARANCE: Murky, Hazy Golden Brown, with small off White Head, plenty of Fizz for the Style. Murkiness, could be from the large hopping schedule, and Chill Haze. I think some kettle finings would have helped with the clarity.

AROMA: BOOM!!!!!!! Huge Citrus, passionfruit Aroma from the Citra Hops used. Just plain massive!! Cascade backs it up nicely.

FLAVOUR: Good Hop Flavour, especially when the beer warmed up to a better temperature. a tad boozy, but that'll be the high gravity and brown sugar. Minor Malt Background minimal caramel sweetness. Mainly Hops coming through.

OVERALL: Good Solid Beer. Hoppy and big, just like a WCIPA should be.
 for me , and this is only my opinion, as everyone has different tastes. My changes would be that I'd Keep the malt bill similar, swap the quantities of carapils and munich around.
hops wise, its pretty good, I'd add more late hops, from from 10  to 0, really smash the palate to pieces.

Check him out on some great information, recipes, and a general idea of what goes on in this guys brewing head. Cheers dude.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers for the review dude! Nice to get some feedback from fellow brewers!
