Friday, 7 June 2013

The End of the Universe "BAD WOLF"

Tasting the Bad Wolf Belgian IPA, gave a bottle  to the Mrs. as well.

Appearance: Golden Orange colour, with White/Off White Head. Very much the colour I'd expect from this beer, it seems similar based on the thread above. Much clearer than I thought it would be at this stage, however there is some chill haze

Aroma: After Pouring, and a quick whiff of the beer, I get a good solid solid Belgian Yeast aroma. Followed by a nice smell of grapefruit etc. from the amarillo. Aroma is not anywhere near as much as I'd like, but very pleasant.

Flavour: Minimal Malt Character, followed by a Biter Hop Character and yeast y character. The beer started out a too cold, and I couldn't taste alot, but once it warmed up a bit, I got a nice Grapefruit flavour, and maltiness came through a little bit more. aroma changes as well once it warms up.

Overall: All in all, a Nice Beer, Still Undercarbed, so it need a nother week or two for carbonation. Good Colour, thats something I wouldn't want to change, the malt balance needs to improve a tad, the honey malt they use in the recipe, would be a great start, but we can't get this in NZ. Overall, I think not the same beer as the recipe suggests.

- Different Yeast, I'd use 3522, Ardennes yeast, the fedback is that this yeast, doesn't hide the hop flavour so much, which is why I have a little trouble smelling and tasting, it kind of subdues it a bit. 
- I'd add a flameout addition into the mix, and probably remove the willamette hops, and add more cascade hops. Get some more aroma and flavour in there.
- Control my Temps better than I have been, This isn't far away, once i get the shed up and running.
- and lastly Fix my Water/Salts Additions, I used 12g of Calcium Sulphate, Which gives the beer alot more bitterness, some of the other beer guys in christchurch are working on this.

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