Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Well, I decided to change the name of this beer. So I've called it "COde brown" I'll let you decide what that means... Onto the tasting notes: This is a great beer, and whiles it still very young and quite boozy. Theres a great character to this, and probably if aged long enough would become a great beer. It pours a great clear brown colour, with a reddish hue to it, when held to the light. Head Retention, is amazing, it just sits and sits and sits, with the carafaSpecial II Dehusked. theres only 50 grams, but it makes this nice and creamy, and finishes that dark character off. Its very creamy, considering it finished at 1.008 off white head and a little hop kick to it. and iut finishes with a chocolate roast dryness. I almost get a vanilla hint as well, from the dark malts too, just the slightest. Its only 2 weeks old, so as it ages i expect it to improve. On a different note, the Red IIPa has been named Red Skull IIPA. I'll be racking tomorrow to secondary, with the first dryhop. right so that all for now :) See you in a week or so. for a Red Skull Update on gravity and hopping.

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